Details about the company

Registered name: HC24 GmbH & Co. KG
Proprietor: Michaela Loschky, Gernot Kerzner
Adress: Rothenburger Str. 245, 90439 Nürnberg
Tel: +49 9325 980 008 2
Fax: +49 9325 980 008 3
VAT ID no: DE 339 197 293

To the agencies

Supervisory authority:
Ordnungsamt Nürnberg
Innerer Lauf Platz 3
90403 Nürnberg

The permission for exercising a commercial undertaking according to §34c of the trade regulations was issued by the city of Würzburg (M.Loschky) and the city of Stuttgart (G.Kerzner) and is inspected by the same office. The responsible supervisory authority since 01.01.2020 is the IHK for Munich and Upper Bavaria, Max-Joseph-Str. 2, 80333 Munich.

Manager: Michaela Loschky und Gernot Kerzner
Commercial register: HRA 19085, Amtsgericht Nürnberg

Represented by the general partner: Registered name: HC24 Wohnen auf Zeit Immobilien GmbH
Address: Hauptstr. 188, 79576 Weil am Rhein
VAT ID no.: DE 274 533 870
Supervisory authority: IHK Hochrhein-Bodensee, Reichenaustr. 21, 78467 Konstanz.
The permission for exercising a commercial undertaking according to §34c of the trade regulations was issued by LRA Lörrach and is inspected by the same office.

Manager: Michaela Loschky und Gernot Kerzner
Commercial register: HRB 706114, Amtsgericht Freiburg im Breisgau
V.i.S.d.P.: Michaela Loschky

Consumer information provided in accordance with EU Regulation 524/2013: As part of the regulation governing online dispute resolution relating to consumer issues, the EU Commission’s online dispute resolution platform is available to you:

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