Start your career at HC24 now!

Develop your potential in our highly motivated team!

At HC24, the focus is always on people — and naturally the same applies to our employees. Your well-being is our priority. At work and more generally.

We bring landlords and tenants together, creating the ideal solution for both parties by using our dedication and expertise.

Modern office and strong team

Working at HC24 is varied and exciting. That is because everyone in our team is able to develop their individual potential and make a contribution to our common goals. Our employees appreciate the relaxed yet professional working atmosphere at HC24. To keep it that way, we emphasize honest, transparent communication, flat hierarchies and joint decision-making. We value everyone’s opinion because we firmly believe that the best success is achieved together. To ensure staff well-being, we make sure we offer a motivating working environment in modern offices, supported by the latest technology.

“The team spirit at HC24 is fantastic, and the appreciation for each team member is obvious.”

Our collaborative approach is based on transparency, teamwork, openness and humanity. We firmly believe that all employees make an important contribution to the success of our company through their work.

Apply now to work with HC24

HC24 - offers the following benefits:

Welcome to the Happy Crew!

Flexible working hours

We offer attractive, flexible working hours to ensure a great work-life balance.

Motivated team

Working as part of our motivated team ensures plenty of inspiration, exciting challenges and lots of fun.

Attractive development opportunities

Take advantage of regular training and education to advance your career and benefit from our promotion opportunities.

Free drinks

We provide coffee, tea and water free of charge to promote staff well-being.

Flat organisational hierarchy and collaborative decision-making

Regular meetings are the basis for important decisions. And we make these decisions in collaboration with you.

Corporate events

We love to celebrate our successes and strengthen our community. Join one of our monthly meals at company expense or take part in a great team event.


As an HC24 team member, you will receive discounts for selected online shops.

Apply now to work with HC24